Grant me Serenity

On Monday, July 8th, 2013 Grant’s Place was officially born; what a more perfect day than Grants 25th Earthy Birthday. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking… Do I continue to blog on our journey even after the big ‘announcement’? I thought about whether those who follow our journey will continue to do so. I’ve thought about the direction this blog will take along with where Grant’s Place will take us. Much like the birth of a child, the birth of Grant’s Place was revealed. The excitement and overwhelming response from loved ones means so much. From these thoughts I’ve understood this journey has only just begun. We will forever have to give Grant’s Place tender loving care. We will continue to help it grow in the most beautiful way possible. It brings our family closer just as Grant did the day he was born. This home gives my parents something to take care of with one less child on Earth. 

I have clearly understood why Grant’s Place was a part of a big plan sent from heaven. This project not only honors the dreams of my brother, but it has built a solid foundation within my family. We have always been there for each other, but loosing Grant and this project has brought us to an unimaginable level of closeness. Grant pulled us closer as a family of 6 than ever before. He has shown us how much love and support we have from our extended family and friends. He has guided us to understand that all things are possible even when they seem impossible. The day I think something seems too difficult I can tell myself, ‘if I built a house I think I can do that…’

As for this blog… It will continue. We will share our feelings as they come or when our heart may find an epiphany. We will share our love built within Grant’s Place as he continues to build memories with us. His home will always welcome those who love him and need a quaint place to remember him.

“God GRANT me the serenity 
to accept the things I cannot change; 
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time; 
Enjoying one moment at a time; 
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; 
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it; 
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life 
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.


Categories: Uncategorized | 5 Comments

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5 thoughts on “Grant me Serenity

  1. Rhonda

    What an inspiration your family has been to a lot of people, whether they knew Grant, or have come to know him through this blog. I, for one, will continue to look forward to reading this blog. I pray that the loss of Grant teaches every family how strong they can be, when they feel there is absolutely no strength left. The finishing of Grants Place, is the “end” of one part of your journey, but making all the memories that will be made there will be just as important. There will be some mighty fine cooking, and a lot of outdoor activities, along with just telling stories….all that will continue under that roof. I love you all, and thanks so much for sharing this journey with us…

  2. Heather


  3. Kim Witczak

    A friend of mine, Kristin Sampson, shared your blog with me when you first started it. Your writing and sharing of your experiences in not only building Grant’s place, but your emotions and faith was very inspiring. Even though I don’t know Grant, I feel like he’s left an imprint on the world and lives on through you and your family in your blog.

    I, too, have experienced the raw and painful grief of losing my husband suddenly 10 years ago. I truly believe faith and engaging with life after death is only way to comprehend the incomprehensible.

    Thanks for sharing Grant and your life with us.

  4. Sheila Gladitsch

    Beautiful. Nice you are going to blog. Keep HIS light Shining/ RIP Grant. What a BEAUTIFUL Family.

  5. Kathy

    When my daughter told me that one of her Blaine High School classmates had passed away I started following this post and I have been thinking of leaving a comment for quite some time now.
    Perhaps I knew Grant in 5th grade at Andover Elementary; when I looked him up in the year book I could remember that cute face, I have worked in Child Nutrition for 20 years and get to know and serve thousands of children. At the time I shared Grant’s passing with Grant’s 5th grade teacher. Mr. Parks, he was sad to hear the news.
    Grant’s Place is beautiful; your family will always be in my thoughts and prayers, stay strong for Grant.

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